澳门新普京注册 Campus featuring white sign with the 澳门新普京注册 shield prominently displayed.


You've made history with the best and the brightest who choose to Go West! Now it's time to prepare for graduation. The steps listed here will guide you through the graduation process; please read and follow these steps closely.

Should you need assistance, 注册办公室的毕业团队会帮助你在从学生到校友的过渡中留下自己的印记.

Contact the Graduation Team

Fall 2024 Commencement Ceremony

Friday, December 13, 2024
6 PM: All Graduate Students 

Saturday, December 14, 2024 

Undergraduate Students

10 AM: Richards College of
Business; College of Education;
School of Communication, Film,
and Media; University College

2 PM: College of Humanities,
Arts and Social Sciences;
Dr. James 'Earl' Perry College of Mathematics,
Computing and Sciences;
Tanner Health System School
of Nursing


澳门新普京注册 Commencement Website

Graduation InformationWhat You Need to Know

Apply for Graduation (Degree & Stand-Alone Certificate Completion)

学位候选人:学位候选人必须申请毕业以授予学位,并有资格参加他们预计完成所有要求的学期的毕业典礼. 夏季候选人将根据学位课程的剩余时间参加春季或秋季毕业典礼. 如果你觉得你有情有可原的情况并且想要求参加一个仪式而不是你所指定的仪式, please complete the Marching Exception Request Form.

单证考生:单证考生必须申请毕业方可颁发证书, but are not eligible to participate in the Commencement Ceremony. 

所有打算毕业的学生,无论是否打算参加毕业典礼,都必须申请毕业并缴纳规定的费用. 毕业申请和费用的有效期为一年,从学生计划毕业的学期算起. 不申请毕业的学生将不会获得学位或独立证书,也不会获得文凭. Students must apply by the Graduation Application deadlines listed below. 毕业申请费是每个学位40美元,每个独立证书20美元.

What if I miss the application deadline? Late applications may be accepted without an additional fee. Once you notice you missed the deadline, please complete the application in your Self-Service Banner account. 晚申请的学生将在截止日期前申请的学生之后进行学位审核. Please note, 申请晚毕业的学生可能不会被列入毕业典礼计划.

Graduation Application Dates

Semester of GraduationApplication OpensApplication Deadline
FallFebruary 1stAugust 1st
SpringApril 1stOctober 1st
Summer*September 1stMarch 1st

How to Apply for Graduation

To access the Online Graduation Application and Fee Payment, logon to Student Self-Service, select the "Apply for Graduation" link. 按照毕业申请表上列出的说明来完成你的申请, pay the application fee, and submit for processing. After submitting your payment, click “Finish”. Please note until payment is made, 注册主任办公室将不会收到您的申请进行处理. 请注意:毕业申请的第一个问题是问你最后一个学期的入学时间, not the term in which you wish to graduate. If you are currently enrolled in classes, you will list the current semester. 

  • Undergraduate students are required to have at least 85 overall earned hours prior to applying for graduation. Earned hours does not include in-progress or future registration courses. There is no minimum hour requirement for graduate students. 连续三个学期没有参加澳门新普京注册的学生必须在申请毕业之前重新进入学位或证书课程. Contact the Undergraduate or Graduate Office of Admissions for assistance.
  • During the Graduation Application process, 学生将被要求表明他们出席毕业典礼的意愿(仅限学位候选人)。, to verify the name to be printed on their diploma and/or certificate, 并提供毕业证书和/或证书的邮寄地址 & certificates are conferred.
  • Students who are graduating with dual degrees (ex. Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Science or Master of Business Administration & 专业会计硕士)必须申请两次毕业,并支付两次费用. Dual degree students will receive two diplomas. Students who are pursuing a double major for the same degree (ex. 心理学和社会学理学学士)只申请一次,只交一次费用. Double major students will receive one diploma with both majors listed.
  • Students who intend to earn a stand-alone certificate will apply to graduate through the online Graduation Application. 获得独立证书和学位的学生必须申请并支付每个学位和独立证书的费用. Embedded certificates are awarded by academic departments; students must apply for that certificate through the academic department that sponsors the embedded certificate program. There is no fee for embedded certificates.

一旦你提交了毕业申请并支付了申请费,你现在就在学位候选人名单上了. 学生应该咨询他们的学术顾问或项目主任,以获得毕业需要满足的任何剩余要求的指导. Additionally, 学生应该密切关注他们的西乔治亚州电子邮件帐户,了解有关缺失学位要求的重要信息, the Commencement Ceremony and diplomas.

View Your Graduation Application

学生可在自助服务网页浏览已填妥的毕业申请表. To view your Graduation Application logon to Student Self-Service and select the "View My Graduation Application" link. 通过查看你的毕业申请,你可以确认你的预期毕业期限, your ceremony attendance preference, the name to be printed on your diploma and your diploma mailing address. 您可以要求更新您的毕业申请中列出的信息,通过填写 Graduation Information Update Form.

Graduation Information Update Form

Connect with the Alumni Association

Connect with the 澳门新普京注册 Alumni Association by completing the Alumni & Friends Graduation Information Form.

Alumni & Friends Graduation Information Form

注册办公室的毕业组负责审核学位记录,以完成学位并在毕业后授予学位. 每个学生在毕业前都会有三次学位审核,以确保满足所有要求. 未达到学位要求的学生将通过他们的澳门新普京注册电子邮件帐户收到通知. Students can view their degree audit in Wolf Watch (Degree Works). Wolf Watch is the official university degree auditing system.

Audit ReviewReview Process

Initial Review

初步审查过程在学生注册他们的预期毕业学期后开始. 在毕业申请截止日期之前申请的学生将对其学位审核进行审查,并将在不迟于其预期毕业学期课程的第一天收到结果通知.

很可能所有申请毕业的学生都将在其预期毕业学期的第一周课程结束之前收到审计结果. 但是,在截止日期之前申请的学生将在审查过程中获得优先权.

Comprehensive Review

综合审查程序在预期毕业学期的全学期课程的增减期之后开始. 未达到要求的学生将通过他们的澳门新普京注册电子邮件帐户收到通知. If requirements are not met by midterm of the intended graduation term, 学生将被行政延迟到下学期(如果他们的申请尚未到期),并由学位审核员通知.

Final Review & Degree Awarding

最终审查程序在毕业后一周开始,最终成绩公布. 符合所有学位要求的学生将在毕业后5-7个工作日正式授予学位. 不符合要求的学生将被推迟到下学期(如果他们的申请尚未到期),并将由学位审核员通知.


如果学生知道自己不会在申请的学期毕业,或者学生想要更新他们的毕业典礼出席情况或文凭邮寄地址,请填写 Graduation Information Update Form for assistance. Once the requested changes are confirmed, 学生在查看毕业申请时,可以在“自助服务横幅”中查看更改.

  • 学生可以将毕业期限从原计划的毕业期限延长至多一年. 需要更新毕业申请的学生需要在预定学期的一年之后提交新的毕业申请并支付额外费用.
  • 从未出席到出席的学生必须在毕业典礼前至少4周将他们的名字印在毕业典礼计划上.
  • 更新毕业证书邮寄地址的学生必须在毕业前至少一周联系毕业团队. 在自助服务横幅上更新您的永久地址或邮寄地址不会更新您的文凭邮寄地址.

Graduation Information Update Form

澳门新普京注册授予那些至少获得3分的本科生荣誉学士学位.50 grade point average at 澳门新普京注册 (institutional GPA). 如果从其他机构转学的候选人符合澳门新普京注册的最低居住要求,并根据以下计算中较高者达到最低GPA,则有资格获得荣誉:机构GPA或所有澳门新普京注册和转学课程. Course repeats are calculated into the institutional & overall GPAs as stated in the Repeat Policy. 学士学位授予荣誉是基于以下所有课程的平均成绩范围:

  • 3.50 - 3.79 GPA - honors (cum laude)
  • 3.80 - 3.89 GPA - high honors (magna cum laude)
  • 3.90 - 4.00 GPA - highest honors (summa cum laude)

Because grades are not official until after the commencement ceremony, 最初的荣誉称号是基于学生在毕业学期之前的学期末的荣誉GPA. 没有达到GPA要求的学生在毕业典礼上被指定为荣誉获得者,将不允许作为荣誉获得者行走,也不允许从大学书店购买荣誉证书. 官方荣誉称号将在毕业典礼后确定,届时学期成绩正式公布,荣誉GPA重新计算. gpa被截断到小数点后第二位,不会四舍五入(例如,3).49 will not be rounded to a 3.50). Students who graduate with honors will have their honors status (cum laude, etc.) notated on their official academic transcript and their diploma.

This policy is effective beginning in the fall 2023 semester.

毕业政策支持大学的学术诚信,同时促进学生的成功. 所有申请毕业的学生都应该回顾和了解学位授予的各种政策.


International Letters of Invitation

希望邀请国际嘉宾的毕业生可能需要为每个国际嘉宾提供邀请函,以支持签证申请. Please contact us at graduation@vijethaschool.com to request Letters of Invitation. 

Please include the following in your email:

  • Student Name & 917#
  • Embassy Name & Address
  • Full name of each international guest

Graduation At a Glance